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Today’s science fact is about the Texan Horned Lizard.

This lizard deters predators by shooting its own blood into their face. Out of its eyes. Apparently the blood taste......Learn More!

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What Is The Science Of Romance?


Love is a powerful emotion that causes normally sane men and women to act temporarily crazy. Science has proved signals fired off in our brain when we are love sick are similar to those experienced in mental illness. Scientists say people fall in love in three stages. There is the initial lust at first sight, followed byattraction, with the final stage being attachment. In each phase, there are different hormones involved.

One scientific fact is men are unconsciously drawn to a female during her monthly period. Women, who live together or work closely with one another, tend to synchronize their menstrual cycles. This is Mother Nature’s way of insuring a fair playing field, not allowing one woman the advantage of attracting all the men. Women are more likely to unknowingly dress more provocatively when they are most fertile. This reinforces the idea that animal attraction is needed for human reproduction.

Scientists theorize all forms of romantic gestures: music, poetry, and art were all designed toward the goal of having sex. In fact, science points to every motive we have being directed at our strong desire to mate and live on in future generations through procreation. This is in a nutshell, the Science of Sexual Attraction
A moon lit walk has accompanied many great romances. The latest research suggests a direct effect of the Moon on people's hormones. The lunar cycle has an impact on human reproduction, in particular fertility, menstruation and birth rate.
Cupid packs some potent chemicals in his love darts. One shot can cause flushed cheeks, a pounding in your chest, sweaty palms, walking into walls, and either a depressed or an increased appetite. If you are exhibiting any of these outward signs, the love doctor has paid your heart a visit and you may be experiencing strong physical attraction.
Science carries its own Love Potion #9 in a chemical compound calledpheromones. Pheromones occur naturally in all insects, animals, and humans. The chemical sends messages of attraction from one member of the opposite sex to the other.
Scientists report that when two people meet and they are both releasing pheromones the sexual attraction is impossible to ignore. Pheromones can be found in several popular men's colognes. No woman can resist the power of a good smelling man.
Scientific studies conducted discovered women using a pheromone enhanced fragrance received 50% higher rate of attraction from men.
During sex, the same chemical that bonds mother to child is secreted by both sexes, thought in part to explain why men and women who stay together form a physical and emotional attachment for each other.
Scientists believe human attraction is connected to our subconscious, and we choose our partners by instinct. In essence, it is not just the tight pair of Calvin’s we are attracted to but the genes that make up the member of the opposite sex.
Remember the song, Love Stinks. Yeah, yeah. Love may be blind but research shows smell could be as important as looks when it comes to sexual attraction.
If you are searching for true love yet, do not fret. There is a love solution. The best is yet to come. In the immortal words of Dr. Seuss, “When you are in love you can not fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.”
For further information on this subject visit our FACEBOOK Group and viewKate Bohner of The Watercooler Diaries discussing the January 2008 Time Magazine cover story, "The Science of Romance" in her interesting and informative two part video series, "The Biology of Love."

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Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, January 01, 2013. Filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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