Charting new routes for women at work: Looking to the home and classroom
mom is the boss at home, she may have a harder time being the boss at work. New
research suggests that women, but not men, become less interested in pursuing
workplace power when they view that they are in control of decision-making in
the home. This shift in thinking affects career choices without women even
being aware. "Women don't know that they are backing off from workplace
power because of how they are thinking about their role at home," says
Melissa Williams of Emory University. "As a result, women may make
decisions such as not going after a high-status promotion at work, or not
seeking to work full time, without realizing why," explains Williams who
will be presenting her findings on January 18 at the Society of Personality and
Social Psychology (SPSP) annual meeting in New Orleans.
Her new
study is one of several at the SPSP meeting that will explore a continued
gender gap in workplace power -- from how women versus men view their roles in
the home to how gender stereotypes form at a young age to how these attitudes
affect women's likelihood of pursuing careers in science and math. "Even
as we see great gains made by women in the workforce, we continue to also see
disproportionately larger numbers of women leaving successful careers, or
diverting their career paths to ones with fewer hours and greater flexibility,
but that also hold less status," says Bernadette Park of the University of
Colorado Boulder.
women rule at home
often speak about women as being decision-making experts or powerholders in the
home setting -- for example, expecting that men will defer to their wives'
decisions regarding clothing. But while people intend these references to be complimentary
to women, Williams says, "such language may have a negative effect on the
decisions they make about their lives outside the home, without them being
aware of it."
To test
this effect, Williams and colleagues first surveyed people to gauge their views
of power in household decisions-making. Both men and women perceived power over
household decisions as being desirable and making a person feel powerful.
then asked men and women aged 18 to 30 years old to imagine that they were
married and had a child in one of three conditions: either they make many of
the decisions; they make decisions together with their spouse; or they perform
most of the household tasks with no mention of household decision-making power.
Women were less interested in pursuing work goals when they had household
power, compared to sharing equal power with a spouse. Men's interest in work
goals, however, was unaffected by their household power.
women's interest in workplace power did not change simply by imagining that they
were performing household tasks. "It is only when such tasks are described
as involving power that they negatively affect women's motivation to pursue
workplace power," Williams says. "We think this is because referring
to women's household role as one involving power puts a positive spin on
women's traditional role on the home, and makes it seem more appealing."
is one thing for a woman to choose to stay at home if she wishes her primary
role be that of wife and mother," Williams says. "But when the
language we use to talk about household chores makes such a role unconsciously
more appealing to women, without the same effect on men, this is not what most
people think of as making a free choice."
mom and worker collide
have some even more basic obstacles to overcome when working at both home and
in the workplace. According to new study, women experience conflict in managing
their identities as a parent and a worker at the same time, much more so than
basic premise of this research is that cultural stereotypes of the 'ideal mom'
conflict with stereotypes of the 'ideal worker' and in particular the 'ideal
professional,' says Park of the University of Colorado Boulder. "In
contrast, for men, successfully fulfilling the role of professional in part
also fulfills obligations associated with the 'ideal dad,'" such as being
a provider and being decisive. "For women, the identities of mom and
professional are experienced in opposition or conflict with one another in a
way that dad and professional are not for men."
and colleagues measured how easily women and men associate themselves with
career versus family goals through a series of "implicit" association
tests that measure how quickly people categorize words within the two goal domains.
They found that women often had to "switch hats" in thinking about
parenting versus work, while men primarily associated themselves with just
also found that women performed more poorly on cognitive tasks after
experiencing shifts in how they associate with these two identities, but not
before. Men showed no such depletion of cognitive capacities. The researchers
further found that when women received negative feedback related to a
career-related task, they would more strongly "activate" their
identity as a parent, "as if easing the sting of the failure," Park
data together suggest that "one of the greatest challenges faced by women
in trying to 'have it all' is that they experience a psychological conflict in
their most basic identities not true of men," Park says. "Mentally,
they have to shift back and forth between self-conceptions of self-as-mom
versus self-as-professional and these two selves do not reside easily next to
each other."
children follow what you do not what you say
when women work full-time, they often still shoulder a disproportionate amount
of domestic responsibilities at home. This division of labor can fundamentally
change how children view their gender roles, even if parents teach their
children to be egalitarian, according to new research.
it comes to learning gender roles, actions and implicit attitudes might speak
louder than words," says Toni Schmader of the University of British
Columbia. "Parents pride themselves on teaching their kids that they can
be anything they want to be. However, parents' own behavior and entrenched
cultural associations continue to reinforce more traditional gender
at male and female children between the ages of 7 and 13 and dads and moms, all
in heterosexual cohabiting relationships, the researchers, led by Schmader and
graduate student Alyssa Croft, tested implicit attitudes toward men and women
in the workplace versus home. They also asked their parents about their paid
work hours and relative contribution to domestic tasks at home and asked
children about preferences for gender-stereotypical toys, shows, and future
roles or occupations.
researchers found that regardless of whether parents explicitly endorsed
gender-egalitarian roles, if their actual behaviors modeled a more traditional
division of household labor, their children -- especially their daughters --
preferred more gender-typical toys, TV shows, and future occupations.
also found that women performed more of the domestic tasks at home, even after
controlling for fewer hours spent at work compared to men. "Looking
specifically at parents who work full-time, we saw that women still reported
doing nearly twice as much of the domestic work as men do," Schmader says.
"In line with these trends, both parents and kids tended to associate
women more than men with childcare and domestic work."
they found that fathers' stereotypical beliefs and behavior are particularly
important for their daughters' identities. "Girls might develop ideas of
what is possible for them by the kind of roles their fathers seem to expect
from women in general and their moms more specifically," Schmader says.
girls see a new image of science
we often see the largest under-representation of women is in the area of
science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In a new study, making girls
feel welcome in computer science and changing their stereotypes about the
subject dramatically increased their interest in the field.
is a critical stage at which to recruit more females into these fields as they
begin to make career-relevant decisions, yet gender differences in attitudes
toward computing are already evident during this period," says Sapna
Cheryan of the University of Washington. Therefore, Cheryan and colleagues
sought to change prevailing cultural stereotypes of computer scientists to see how
it affected young women.
showed high-school students photos of two introductory computer science
classrooms, one that contained highly stereotypical objects (e.g., Star Trek
posters) and one that did not (e.g., nature posters). They told students that
both courses covered the same material, had the same amount of homework, a male
teacher, and a 50:50 gender proportion. Students rated their interest and their
"sense of belonging" in both courses. With a stereotypical classroom,
the girls' interest in the course was lower than the boys' interest, but with
the non-stereotypical class, it increased to the same level. Boys' interest did
not change as a result of the stereotypes.
Such a
low-cost approach for countering stereotypes of science as geeky and male-oriented
can increase girls' sense of belonging and get them more interested in this
field without harming boys in the process, Cheryan says. "Inspiring girls
to enter technological fields is critical for ensuring women's participation
in, and contributions to, cutting-edge technological innovation."
Source: Society
for Personality and Social Psychology
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