From dark hearts comes the kindness of mankind
The kindness of humankind most likely developed from our more
sinister and self-serving tendencies, according to Princeton University
and University of Arizona research that suggests society's rules against
selfishness are rooted in the very exploitation they condemn. The report in
the journalEvolution proposes
that altruism -- society's protection of resources and the collective good
by punishing "cheaters" -- did not develop as a reaction to
avarice. Instead, communal disavowal of greed originated when competing
selfish individuals sought to control and cancel out one another. Over
time, the direct efforts of the dominant fat cats to contain a few competitors
evolved into a community-wide desire to guard its own well-being.
study authors propose that a system of greed dominating greed was simply
easier for our human ancestors to manage. In this way, the work challenges
dominant theories that selfish and altruistic social arrangements
formed independently -- instead the two structures stand as evolutionary
phases of group interaction, the researchers write.
author Andrew Gallup, a former Princeton postdoctoral researcher in ecology
and evolutionary biology now a visiting assistant professor of psychology
at Bard College, worked with first author Omar Eldakar, a former Arizona
postdoctoral fellow now a visiting assistant professor of biology at
Oberlin College, and William Driscoll, an ecology and evolutionary biology
doctoral student at Arizona.
To test
their hypothesis, the researchers constructed a simulation model that
gauged how a community withstands a system built on altruistic punishment,
or selfish-on-selfish punishment. The authors found that altruism demands a
lot of initial expenditure for the group -- in terms of communal time,
resources and risk of reprisal from the punished -- as well as advanced levels
of cognition and cooperation.
On the
other hand, a construct in which a few profligate players keep like-minded
individuals in check involves only those members of the community --
everyone else can passively enjoy the benefits of fewer people taking
more than their share. At the same time, the reigning individuals enjoy
uncontested spoils and, in some cases, reverence.
orders maintained by those who bend the rules play out in nature and human history,
the authors note: Tree wasps that police hives to make sure that no member
other than the queen lays eggs will often lay illicit eggs themselves. Cancer
cells will prevent other tumors from forming. Medieval knights would pillage
the same civilians they readily defended from invaders, while neighborhoods
ruled by the Italian Mafia traditionally had the lowest levels of crime.
comes from these arrangements, the researchers conclude, is a sense of order
and equality that the group eventually takes upon itself to enforce, thus
giving rise to altruism.
Source: Princeton University
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