Men More Likely Than Women to Commit Scientific Fraud
scientists are far more likely to commit fraud than females and the fraud
occurs across the career spectrum, from trainees to senior faculty. The
analysis of professional misconduct was co-led by a researcher at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and was
published today in the online journal mBio.
“The fact that misconduct occurs across all stages of career
development suggests that attention to ethical aspects of scientific conduct
should not be limited to those in training, as is the current practice,” said
senior author Arturo
Casadevall, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair of microbiology & immunology and professor of medicine at
Einstein, as well as editor-in-chief of mBio.
He added, “Our other finding – that males are overrepresented
among those committing misconduct – implies a gender difference we need to
better understand in any effort to promote the integrity of research.”
In a previous study, Dr. Casadevall found that
misconduct is responsible for two-thirds of all retractions of scientific
papers. The finding was unexpected, since earlier research had suggested that
errors account for the majority of retracted scientific papers.
Researchers embarked on the current study to better understand
those who are guilty of scientific fraud. They reviewed 228 individual cases of
misconduct reported by the United States Office of Research Integrity (ORI) from 1994 through 2012. ORI
promotes the responsible conduct of research and investigates charges of
misconduct involving research supported by the Department of Health and Human
An analysis determined that fraud was involved in 215 (94
percent) of the 228 cases reported by the ORI. Of these, 40 percent involved
trainees, 32 percent involved faculty members, and 28 percent involved other
research personnel (research scientists, technicians, study coordinators, and
Overall, 65 percent of the fraud cases were committed by males,
but the percentage varied among the academic ranks: 88 percent of faculty
members who committed misconduct were male, compared with 69 percent of
postdoctoral fellows, 58 percent of students, and 43 percent of other research
personnel. In each career category, the proportion of males committing
misconduct was greater than would have been predicted from the gender
distribution of scientists. The gender difference was surprisingly large among
faculty, said Dr. Casadevall, who also holds the Leo and Julia Forchheimer
Chair in/of Microbiology & Immunology. Of the 72 faculty who committed
fraud, just 9 were female – one-third of the expected 27 if females had
committed fraud at the same rate as males.
The study did not examine why men are more likely to commit
fraud. One possibility is that misconduct is biologically driven. “As research
has shown, males tend to be risk takers, more so than females, and to commit
fraud entails taking a risk,” said Dr. Casadevall. “It may also be that males
are more competitive, or that women are more sensitive to the threat of
sanctions. I think the best answer is that we don’t know. Now that we have
documented the problem, we can begin a serious discussion about what is going
on and what can be done about it.”
The researchers had hypothesized that the majority of cases of
misconduct would involve trainees, who face intense pressure to publish – a
critical step toward obtaining research funds. But they found that misconduct
was spread rather evenly across the career spectrum. “You might think that as
scientists go up the career ladder, they would feel more secure. But the bigger
the lab you run, the more grants you need, which increases the pressures to
publish and the temptation to cheat,” said Dr. Casadevall.
While calling for more research to understand the motives for
scientific misconduct, Dr. Casadevall recommends periodic ethics training for
scientists at all levels of academia. “Right now we target trainees for ethics
training,” he added. “We don’t do anything after they are hired. It might help
if universities required refresher courses in ethics, as they do with courses
to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. It won’t stop all misconduct,
but it’s one place to start.”
The paper is titled "Males Are Overrepresented among Life
Science Researchers Committing Scientific Misconduct.” Additional authors are
Ferric Fang, M.D., at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,
Washington, and Joan W. Bennett at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Source: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
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