Fact of the day!

Today’s science fact is about the Texan Horned Lizard.

This lizard deters predators by shooting its own blood into their face. Out of its eyes. Apparently the blood taste......Learn More!

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As Seen on Satellite: Natural Oddities

The world - it's full of natural wonders. But where are they? Read on to find out…

Relative to the history of the earth, you can trace the history of modern technology in the blink of an eye. Many of the things we rely on - computers, mobile phones, televisions - and things we don't know we rely on - like satellites and wires that span the length of the ocean – haven't even been around for a century. While these advances have dramatically improved our quality of life, they've also helped make the globe our playground.

Today it's possible for the average person to travel away from home and connect with communities around the world. What's more, modern technology is also helping us to uncover and learn about the planet we live on. We can dive into the ocean and study marine life, take samples from Mars, and better understand the civilisations that came before us.

Today, Satellite images are capturing the weird and wonderful from around the world - with the help of Google Maps you can tour the Grand Canyon or Stonehenge ) and everything in between without ever leaving home.

Satellite services  have captured images of some of the more interesting sites around the world we might otherwise never have known about - read on for five of our favourites…

     1.       The Man-shaped lake

(image via: Google Maps) Man-Shaped Lake, Brazil

This synthetic wonder can be found in Bauru, Brazil - but it's only when you see the lake from above that you really get a feel for its shape. It's a man-made, man-shaped lake. Fancy a swim?

    2.       Costa Concordia near the island of Giglio 

View of the stricken cruise ship which ran aground and capsized near the island of Giglio in Italy on 13 January. The image was taken on 17 January.
View of the stricken cruise ship which ran aground and capsized near the island of Giglio in Italy on 13 January. The image was taken on 17 January.
When the Costa Concordia ran aground off the coast of Italy it made international headlines, and for weeks images of the gargantuan ship turned on its side were photographed from the shore. It wasn’t until a little later that Satellite images captured the full ship after it capsized and people really started to appreciate just how big the boat was.   

       3.       Chateau de Versailles 

Chateau de Versailles,France

The royal chateau has been one of the most significant landmarks in France since 1632 - today the grand palace and grounds attract visitors from all over the world. But from up above, you can't help but notice how the elegant former home of Louis XIV looks slightly different from up above, where the gardens make out the face and body of a toy-like figure. 

      4.       The Badlands Guardian 

The badlands guardian, alberta canada

Canada is known for its natural landscapes, so it's no surprise the next wonder on our list can be found in Alberta. Dubbed "the Badlands Gaurdian", the image hidden away in the hills closely resembles a human wearing a Native American headdress - complete with headphones! 

    5.       Giant Gulliver, hunters hall park Craigmillar Scotland 

Giant Gulliver, hunters hall park Craigmillar Scotland

In Scotland, Gulliver's travels are getting another chapter - tucked away in Hunters Hall Park, this public art sculpture is best appreciated overhead. It was designed in 1976 by prison inmate Jimmy Boyle, and constructed by unemployed adults and youth and is a testament to the area's community regeneration project. 

Have you noticed any natural oddities? 


Posted by Unknown on Thursday, April 11, 2013. Filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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